July 30, 2015

From Donna:
StrengtheningĀ marriages is more than helping couples communicate better and have better sex ~ both great benefits!!! For me personally, divorce hurts children ~ my parents divorced one another twice. Even the second time, when I was 18, it was painful. If they had only learned how to show love to each other. It was like they were speaking foreign languages.
For so many children, having to live in different houses, with new authorities (Step-parents) causes insecurity and confusion. Our choices as adults to work through issues isn’t just about our personal happiness. We are building a legacy of unconditional love and a reflection of Christ’s love and willingness to literally die for us.
Please know that if you have already experienced divorce, this post is not meant to condemn your choices. My personal experience is a driving force for my pursuit to help strengthen marriages and keep families from experiencing the pain of separation. My parents made me feel loved and encouraged me to reach for the stars.


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