June 9, 2014

Have you ever asked “God, what do you want me to do?”

This question was not answered in one day or a even a thousand days, but it was answered very clearly.  Having conducted and hosted retreats for over 13 years, my wife Donna and I found ourselves with a dilemma. Middle Tennessee just does not have a retreat facility for marriages that is reasonably close and can be offered at a reasonable price.  After a long time in prayer, God revealed to us that He is calling us to provide this refuge for marriages, musicians, and church leaders in the heart of Tennessee.  I have always been the cautious one.  I’m always asking God for a sign ~ I know, I know, I was never voted the most spiritual guy in the bunch.  As this journey started out, I started praying, “God, I don’t know the all steps, please show me your favor along the path and I will know it is you!”  God has not let me down and has exceeded our dreams along the way.

First, we prayed for the acceptance of our 501 3(c) non-profit.  Donna tackled that with the courage of David in the face of Goliath.  Her first time out without no mistakes three months later, we had it.  My wife is amazing!

Second, we knew we had to sell our house to raise capital to invest in land for the retreat center.  I was hesitant to put the house on the market having no place to live while we find the land and build something to live in!  Just a few hours after that came out of my mouth, again God revealed Himself to us by having my mother call us and to tell us that our niece was moving out of my great uncle’s home and that the family would like us to stay there to help with upkeep and security of the place until they are ready to sell the property. We put our house on the market!  Through the holidays and into January, we had only had 1 showing.  We pressed on to get pre~approval for a loan on the land. Two days after we received the loan approval,  we received an offer for house that our realtor said “This is God!”  An investor offered us more than we thought we could sell our home for.  Not only that, the deal was a cash deal with no contingencies other than a home inspection.  Okay God, I hear you!

Currently, we are looking for the land that will be home to The Refuge Retreat & Conference Center of Tennessee.  I’m not sure of the exact location, but with my Beautiful Wife by my side and God leading our way, I looking forward to the journey.  It’s going to be exciting!

We will keep you posted on this site of our progress and our prayer requests.

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